We are committed to providing a living and working environment that is fun, friendly, and productive for all participants.
All guests, grantees, staff, volunteers, contractors and trustees must adhere to our Code of Conduct for the duration of their stay, and at all related social events.
We do not tolerate harassment in any form. This includes things like deliberate intimidation, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of working, meals or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention.
We do not tolerate discrimination or prejudice, or prejudicial language (such as not respecting people’s desired pronouns, or using racial or political slurs), based on race; ethnicity; religion or belief; gender; gender reassignment; sexual orientation; age; disability; or any physical or social characteristic or identity.
We request that discussions are respectful, even if there is strong disagreement; in particular, differing worldviews and backgrounds should be respected. We expect commitment to fostering respect and safety together.
We understand that human interaction can be complex and confusing. Please give each other the benefit of explaining behaviour you find offensive or unwelcome. However, people asked to stop any prohibited conduct are expected to comply immediately.
If someone engages in inappropriate behaviour, staff and Trustees may take any action they deem appropriate, up to and including expulsion without refund (if applicable). If you would like to report behaviour violating this Code of Conduct or have any other concerns, please contact a Trustee or member of staff immediately. You can also contact us via email.
We expect people to follow these rules at all of our venues and related social events.