Our Alumni

Alumni from 01/01/23 Current

Being featured on our website is optional; not all alumni are shown here.


Working with Rethink Wellbeing alongside independent research


PhD research while expanding knowledge of EA and AI Safety


Upskilling in machine learning in order to work in Alignment research


Exploring EA career options


Working on impact assessment for CEARCH


Upskilling in order to transition into a career supporting AI Safety


Previous community manager visiting old friends and providing mental health support to guests


Working as communications manager for Family Empowerment Media


Working with OPIS creating guidance on compassionate governance


Preparing for his new role as director of EA India


Upskilling in machine learning and studying AI safety


Participating in AI Safety Hub's summer research program


Self-studying decision theory as part of his work on AI Safety


Personal cause area research and prioritisation


Working on a CRM system for ALLFED


Volunteering with ALLFED


ML Interpretability research


Personal cause area research and founding ML4G UK


Personal cause area research and career transition


Independent AI Safety governance researcher


Research and writings in  the field of machine ethics


Transitioning from software development to ML & AI Safety


Learning about EA while preparing to launch her second charity

And what they say about us


“[I] won a pretty big grant a year ago when I stayed at the EA hotel. I only knew about the grant because I was there, everybody was applying to it but I'm pretty sure I'm usually disconnected enough from EA that I wouldn't have known about it. The work that I and others have done with the grant money grant has made some positive influence in resilience in the food system globally.”


"A wonderful place to bring EAs, but an even better place to bring the EA in people. I found a productive and effectively managed environment to produce impactful work, challenge assumptions, and learn from others. CEEALAR has compassion, rationality, open-mindedness, and an overall strong EA essence."


"This is a tranquil place that’s really beneficial for in-depth independent studies and contemplations, owing to the fact that not many sources of distraction can be found in the environment and the city. Good for upskilling and networking. I’d certainly like to stay there again in the near future!"


"I had an amazing stay at CEEALAR, from the welcoming, communal environment that sucks you into a philosophy discussion whenever you're not paying attention, to the immense motivation that flows from everyone around you trying to do something important. Not to mention the food. I doubt I could have gotten half as much work done anywhere else. Thank you!"


"I had a very productive and fun month at CEEALAR. I enjoyed being in the social environment and I estimate I gained at least 8 hrs of additional productivity each week. It is very nice to be able to fully focus on work & really relax outside of that because all other needs are met almost automatically due to not needing to worry about running your household, making food or needing to get out of the door to meet your social needs."


"CEEALAR got me out of a tough spot when I was unexpectedly between projects and needed to spend time on solo research and learning. It was immensely beneficial for being able to continue work while getting plans together. Very nice work environment!"


"I came to CEEALAR clueless about Effective Altruism. I received a 6 months grant and during that time I did so much research and discovered so many opportunities within the Effective Altruism community, one such being the Charity Entrepreneurship Incubation Program. I had previously applied for it before coming to CEEALAR but my application was rejected. But after coming to CEEALAR and having done so much research, I applied again for the Incubation Program and this time around made it through all the recruitment stages and will hopefully be on the final list of those selected. This is testament of how productive my stay at CEEALAR was. Moreover, I met amazing people there who contributed massively to my well-being and personal growth. I also had ample time and a conducive environment to work on my other goals. I started my YouTube Channel while at CEEALAR that now has thousands of followers, began writing my book that is almost done, and also launched my Coaching  Career which is now thriving. All this would not have been possible without the conducive environment, massive support and inspiration that I got from CEEALAR."


"My time at CEEALAR has been a period of stable growth, providing me the security to try new projects and experiment with different ideas. The sense of community here is strong, and I have found the environment to be both supportive and relaxed. As someone who often feels anxious, I've been remarkably calm during my stay. Reflecting on the past month, I realise that without CEEALAR, my living situation would have likely been uncertain, and the freedom to explore new opportunities would have been more limited. Based on my experience, I wholeheartedly recommend CEEALAR and would look forward to the possibility of staying here again in the future."


"My time at CEEALAR has been pivotal for my career shift into AI safety. The environment here is perfect for focused upskilling, with ample opportunities to engage in discussions on AI with knowledgeable peers. It's provided me the time and mental space I needed to thoroughly research and apply to impactful roles that align with my skills and aspirations. My stay has also catalysed meaningful connections with others in the AI safety space. Overall I think CEEALAR has been the perfect runway for launching into my new impact career."


"CEEALAR was a fantastic place not only to focus on my work, but also to learn from other EAs -- every day I learned new ideas and perspectives, some of which even led to new projects and opportunities than I would have had before!"


"I accomplished so much work, it was one of my most productive stays anywhere. CEEALAR felt like a giant library nook, with the sea nearby, holding me gently while I powered through many hours of effort."