Fundraising Policy
1. Background and scope of Policy
1.1. The Centre for Enabling EA Learning & Research (CEEALAR) is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) registered in England & Wales as charity no. 1189768. It raises money to further its charitable objects. Funds are raised from individuals and grant making bodies.
1.2. This policy describes the measures in place to ensure fundraising good practice by CEEALAR.
1.3. Our commitment to funders will include effective money management and project monitoring which requires close liaison between CEEALAR trustees and staff.
2. Purpose of Policy
2.1. To clarify the reason for fundraising by CEEALAR and to detail practices adopted to ensure the Charity is exposed to minimum risk, is accountable to funders and meets the expectations and needs of its beneficiaries.
3. Fundraising for CEEALAR
3.1. CEEALAR is committed to improving the world via its grants for education and research, and its promotion of the efficient and effective use of charitable resources. CEEALAR intends to draw funding from a range of fundraising activities that allow the development of current, as well as additional and innovative services.
4. Accountability to funders
4.1. Fundraising enables CEEALAR to run its day to day operations, and/or increase its capacity. CEEALAR is committed to ensuring that it meets any funders’ requirements; this includes acknowledging funding and effective grant coordination. The Charity’s acceptance of money by means of a grant or donation effectively enters CEEALAR into a form of contract with the ‘funder’. The ‘funder’ may be an individual, a Trust or Foundation, a company or an organisation.
5. Codes of fundraising practice
5.1. CEEALAR will adopt the parts of the Fundraising Regulator’s Code of Fundraising Practice that are relevant to the Charity. In particular, section 10.1 “Digital media”.
5.2. These codes stipulate the areas that are mandatory by law, such as the need to advise a trust if the use of their grant is to be changed. They also indicate courses of action recommended as best practice, such as inviting a Trustee to become involved in a project.
6. Acceptable fundraising activities
6.1 Before fundraising activity can be initiated, approval must be sought from CEEALAR’s board of Trustees.
6.2 All fundraising by means of lotteries, e.g. raffles, etc. must comply with the required licensing arrangements.
6.3 All fundraising publicity must state quite clearly how the fundraising will benefit CEEALAR and where further information of CEEALAR’s Fundraising Policy can be located.
6.4 It shall be the responsibility of the Trustees and staff of CEEALAR to coordinate the soliciting of funds from individuals, foundations, businesses, corporations and organisations in order to avoid an excessive number of solicitations in the name of CEEALAR.
7. Donations or gifts
7.1 CEEALAR in deciding whether to accept or decline a donation or gift will consider the charity’s best overall interest and will not accept donations from donors whose activities appear to be in direct conflict with our charitable aims and objectives.
7.2 Additionally CEEALAR will not work with companies or individuals who participate in activities which:
could cause detriment to the charity’s reputation;
will disproportionately decrease the amount of donations to further the work of the charity;
undermine our vision and values;
are personal gifts to CEEALAR staff members, which should be discouraged at all times
are from unknown sources of funding. CEEALAR will take reasonable steps to determine the ultimate source of funding for each gift and satisfy itself that the funds do not derive, directly or indirectly, from activity that was or is illegal;
potentially harm our relationships with other donors, service users, stakeholders or volunteers;
expose us to undue adverse publicity or reputational risk;
require unacceptable expenditure or additional charity resources.
7.3 If supporters wish to make a donation to a specific area of CEEALAR’s work then they make a specified donation by providing written instruction to this effect with their donation. CEEALAR will always respect this. If CEEALAR is unable to accept the request for the specified donation and the sponsor does not want the donation used in any other way CEEALAR will refund the donation.
8. Training and Information
8.1. CEEALAR is committed to continuing professional development for staff and volunteers involved in fundraising and grant coordination. Fundraising volunteers should aim to ensure that relevant funding information is disseminated through CEEALAR, using means including web updates, messaging apps and email, so that CEEALAR is able to respond to opportunities as they arise.
8.2. Returns and reports back to funders form a crucial element of grant coordination. Those involved in fundraising will undertake to ensure that all staff and trustees are aware of funder requirements for monitoring and controlling projects. This will be carried out through messaging or meetings.
8.3. Contributions from funders may be acknowledged through any or all of the following CEEALAR publications: Annual Report, Financial Accounts, the website, and Facebook pages/groups.
9. Financial Considerations
9.1. If CEEALAR fails to comply with the terms and conditions attached to a grant and the funder withdraws all or part of the original award, CEEALAR will undertake to reach a fair agreement over the amount to be returned to the funder and return such monies.
10. Legal considerations
10.1. Where the acceptance of grant funding necessitates a formal contract, a majority of the Board of Trustees will sign in agreement to the terms and conditions of the grant. At this point CEEALAR legally undertakes to use its best endeavours to resolve any dispute which may arise under the agreement.
10.2. This policy will be revised to take into account any developments or changes in the law.
10.3. All fundraisers must comply with the code of ethics outlined here. Any children carrying out fundraising events must do so only in conjunction with an adult fundraiser or other non-CEEALAR organiser such as a parent or teacher, and under strict direction.
11. Monitoring
11.1. Financial monitoring occurs on an ongoing basis and reports are submitted according to any external funder requirements and internal controls.
12. Data Protection
12.1. CEEALAR will administer all fundraising in line with its data protection policy.
12.2. Funders will never be given direct access to mailing lists or data held by CEEALAR, unless it has the express permission of the data subject.
12.3. All funders have a right to request access to their data and may obtain this by contacting a member of the Development team.
12.4. CEEALAR acknowledges the donor’s right to privacy and will uphold the values of the Fundraising Regulator’s Fundraising Promise.
12.5. Should any funder or donor wish to make a complaint about fundraising, then they may do so under the CEEALAR Whistleblowing Policy.
13. Gift Aid
13.1. CEEALAR will seek to maximise all donations by claiming gift aid from HMRC wherever possible. Donors will be asked for a gift aid declaration. Claims will be made to HMRC in line with the requirements of current legislation.